Fashion, food, and men in suits on Vespas. That’s typical things you would associate with Milan, right? But what if I say: Sustainable lifestyle, healthy food, and urban agriculture?
Because amongst cultural attractions, shopping, and aperitivo bars, there’s a small and quite surprising neighborhood in the heart of Milan. Only a couple minutes walk from Porta Romana, you’ll find Un Posto a Milano – ”A Place in Milan”. A community project dedicated to traditional Italian food and culture. With its lush courtyard and orchards, this is one of the city’s oldest farms – transformed into a meeting place after having been abandoned for many years. And just because we’re speaking of transformation…..Is it only me, or do you look better when you’re in Milan?!
I love Milan! The pulse, the people but especially, I love being inspired by the Italian women who are so proud of their roots in the fashion world. How they nonchalantly ”I-just-threw-this-outfit-on-this-morning” sweep by in a Dolce & Gabbana dress and a Prada bag on their shoulder. They encourage me to also be proud of who I am and to be more confident to put myself out there a bit more. What can I say, Milan brings out the best in me 😉
But sometimes you need a break from fashion and museums.
Then Un Posto a Milano is the perfect place to recharge – like taking a trip to the Italian countryside. At Un Posto a Milano, they work closely with over 100 farmers to make sure they serve you only the best organic and local products. But don’t forget to make a reservation if you want to eat. During the weekends they’re usually fully booked for lunch, and yes; we made the mistake of not booking a table. But on the other hand, you won’t mind the wait when you get to sip wine and just enjoy the beautiful smells and surroundings in the meantime.
And since there’s a big chance you don’t want to leave this place, the good news is: you don’t have to. Just rent a room in their guest house and stay the night! Or two, or three…..

Milan – June 2015
Camera: Nikon D7000
Lense: 18-105 f/3,5-5,6
Edited in Lightroom