
What Not to Miss in Milan – Healthy Food and Urban Agriculture

Milan Un Posto a Milano June 2015 Photography Annika Lagerqvist
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Fashion, food, and men in suits on Vespas. That’s typical things you would associate with Milan, right? But what if I say: Sustainable lifestyle, healthy food, and urban agriculture?

Because amongst cultural attractions, shopping, and aperitivo bars, there’s a small and quite surprising neighborhood in the heart of Milan. Only a couple minutes walk from Porta Romana, you’ll find Un Posto a Milano – ”A Place in Milan”. A community project dedicated to traditional Italian food and culture. With its lush courtyard and orchards, this is one of the city’s oldest farms – transformed into a meeting place after having been abandoned for many years. And just because we’re speaking of transformation…..

Is it only me, or do you look better when you’re in Milan?!

I love Milan! The pulse, the people but especially, I love being inspired by the Italian women who are so proud of their roots in the fashion world. How they nonchalantly ”I-just-threw-this-outfit-on-this-morning” sweep by in a Dolce & Gabbana dress and a Prada bag on their shoulder. They encourage me to also be proud of who I am and to be more confident to put myself out there a bit more. What can I say, Milan brings out the best in me 😉

But sometimes you need a break from fashion and museums.

Then Un Posto a Milano is the perfect place to recharge – like taking a trip to the Italian countryside. At Un Posto a Milano, they work closely with over 100 farmers to make sure they serve you only the best organic and local products. But don’t forget to make a reservation if you want to eat. During the weekends they’re usually fully booked for lunch, and yes; we made the mistake of not booking a table. But on the other hand, you won’t mind the wait when you get to sip wine and just enjoy the beautiful smells and surroundings in the meantime.

And since there’s a big chance you don’t want to leave this place, the good news is: you don’t have to. Just rent a room in their guest house and stay the night! Or two, or three…..

Milan Un Posto a Milano June 2015 Photography Annika Lagerqvist
Milan Un Posto a Milano June 2015 Photography Annika Lagerqvist

Milan Un Posto a Milano June 2015 Photography Annika Lagerqvist
Milan Un Posto a Milano June 2015 Photography Annika Lagerqvist
Melanzana = Aubergine

Milan Un Posto a Milano June 2015 Photography Annika Lagerqvist www.annikasomething.comUn caffè per favore!

Un Posto a Milano June 2015 Photography Annika Lagerqvist

Milan Un Posto a Milano June 2015 Photography Annika Lagerqvist

Milan – June 2015

Camera: Nikon D7000
Lense: 18-105 f/3,5-5,6
Edited in Lightroom

Un Posto a Milano – Ett Ställe i Milano Du Inte får Missa

Un Posto a Milano Photography Annika Lagerqvist
Read this post in English

Mode, mat och kostymklädda män på vespor. Ja, det är väl typiska saker man förknippar med Milano. Men vad tänker du om jag säger: Hållbar livsstil, hälsosam mat och urbant jordbruk?

Jo, förutom kultur, shopping, och mysiga aperitivo barer finns det ett litet överraskande kvarter i Milano. För mitt i centrum, bara några minuters promenad från Porta Romana, ligger Un Posto a Milano – ”Ett Ställe i Milano”. Ett landsbyggdsprojekt tillägnad traditionell mat och kultur. Med en fin innergård och fruktträdgårdar är detta en av stadens äldsta bondgårdar som rustats upp efter att ha stått övergiven under många år. Och när vi ändå pratar om att rustas upp…

Är det bara jag, eller blir man liksom lite snyggare när man är i Milano?!

Jag älskar Milano! Pulsen, människorna, och jag älskar att bli inspirerad av de italienska kvinnorna som är så stolta över sina rötter i modevärlden. Hur de lite nonchalant ”det-här-slängde-jag bara-på-mig-imorse” sveper förbi på gatan i en klänning från Dolce & Gabbana och en Pradaväska på axeln. De pushar även mig att våga vara stolt över mig själv och visa upp mig lite mer. Vad ska man säga? Milano plockar fram min bästa sida 😉

Men ibland behöver man en paus från mode och museibesök

Då är Un Posto a Milano det perfekta andningshålet – som ett litet Toscana mitt i storstaden. Här jobbar man i nära samarbete med över 100 jordbrukare för att kunna serverar mat på de bästa råvarorna – ekologiskt och närproducerat. Men glöm inte att boka bord, speciellt på helgerna då luncherna nästan är fullbokade. Vi gjorde misstaget att åka hit utan att ha bokat i förväg. Fast å andra sidan är det ju ett andningshål i storstadspulsen, så att bara få sätta sig ner en stund och njuta av lugnet blir en välkommen paus. Jag lovar, du sippar gärna på ett glas vin medans du väntar på ett ledigt bord!
Och vill du fortsätta dricka vin in på småtimmarna men slippa ta taxin hem? Då är det bara till att hyra ett rum i deras gästhus.

Un Posto a Milano June 2015 Photography Annika Lagerqvist
Un Posto a Milano June 2015 Photography Annika Lagerqvist www.annikasomething.comDu kan inte ta maten och vinet ifrån en italienare  😛

Un Posto a Milano June 2015 Photography Annika Lagerqvist

Un Posto a Milano June 2015 Photography Annika Lagerqvist www.annikasomething.comMelanzana = Aubergine

Un Posto a Milano June 2015 Photography Annika Lagerqvist
Un caffè per favore!

Un Posto a Milano June 2015 Photography Annika Lagerqvist
Un Posto a Milano June 2015 Photography Annika Lagerqvist

Milano – juni 2015

Kamera: Nikon D7000
Objektiv: 18-105 f/3,5-5,6
Redigerade i Lightroom

MFW September 2017 – The Models Off Duty – From Gucci to D&G

Sanne de Roo Models Off Duty Gucci Milan Fashion Week September 2017 Photography Annika Lagerqvist

Can we even call it models off duty anymore?
When in fact the runway doesn’t seem to end after the show lights go off.

But when it comes to the model off duty style it’s not only about what they are wearing.

It’s more about the charisma in combination with their looks that we look up to,
whether it be a designer piece or a simple pair of jeans and t-shirt.


Here are my favorite photos I took of the models after the shows
during Milan Fashion Week September 2017

Sanne de Roo Models Off Duty Gucci Milan Fashion Week September 2017 Photography Annika Lagerqvist www.annikasomething.comSanne de Roo

Lexi Boling Models Off Duty Alberta Ferretti Milan Fashion Week September 2017 Photography Annika Lagerqvist www.annikasomething.comLexi Boling

Gigi Hadid Models Off Duty Alberta Ferretti Milan Fashion Week September 2017 Photography Annika Lagerqvist www.annikasomething.comGigi Hadid

Benno Bulang Models Off Duty Gucci Milan Fashion Week September 2017 Photography Annika Lagerqvist www.annikasomething.comBenno Bulang

Oliver Hayes

Diana Galimullina & Leila Nda

Manuela Sanchez Models Off Duty Fendi Milan Fashion Week September 2017 Photography Annika Lagerqvist www.annikasomething.comManuela Sanchez

Maria Borges Models Off Duty Etro Milan Fashion Week September 2017 Photography Annika Lagerqvist www.annikasomething.comMaria Borges

Cara Taylor Models Off Duty Versace Milan Fashion Week September 2017 Photography Annika Lagerqvist www.annikasomething.comCara Taylor

Celine Bouly Models Off Duty Versace Milan Fashion Week September 2017 Photography Annika Lagerqvist www.annikasomething.comCeline Bouly

Unknown Missoni Milan Fashion Week September 2017 Photography Annika Lagerqvist

Theresa Hayes Models Off Duty Dolce & Gabbana Milan Fashion Week September 2017 Photography Annika Lagerqvist www.annikasomething.comTheresa Hayes

Margaux Lenot Models Off Duty Dolce & Gabbana Milan Fashion Week September 2017 Photography Annika Lagerqvist www.annikasomething.comMargaux Lenot

Giulia Maenza Models Off Duty Dolce & Gabbana Milan Fashion Week September 2017 Photography Annika Lagerqvist www.annikasomething.comGiulia Maenza

Fernanda Oliveira


Don’t be shy, say hi! ?

I would love to hear from you!

As in print media, these are copyright-protected Street Style pictures.
But don’t hesitate to contact me if you would like to enquire about licensing a photo or collaborate.

? Contact me here →

The Men who stood out the Most during MFW September 2017

Giotto Calendoli Armani Milan Fashion Week September 2017 Photography Annika Lagerqvist

As more brands approach the mix-gender catwalk shows, so are the men approaching the street style scene at the Women’s Fashion Week. And it was so refreshing to see a little feminine touch to menswear, whether it be bowties or lace shorts.

We were also excited to see many men going both bolder in colors and volume!

Here are my favorite shots of the men who stood out a little extra during MFW September 2017

Simone Marchetti – Fashion Editor at Italian newspaper La Repubblica 


Giotto Calendoli Armani Milan Fashion Week September 2017 Photography Annika Lagerqvist www.annikasomething.comGiotto Calendoli 

Unknown Prada Milan Fashion Week September 2017 Photography Annika Lagerqvist www.annikasomething.comd_japanese

Dennis Braatz Gucci MFW September 2017 Photography Annika Lagerqvist

Dennis Braatz Missoni MFW September 2017 Photography Annika Lagerqvist www.annikasomething.comDennis Braatz  – Fashion editor

Unknown Etro MFW September 2017 Photography Annika Lagerqvist

Simone Monguzzi Armani Milan Fashion Week September 2017 Photography Annika Lagerqvist www.annikasomething.comSimone MonguzziFashion Editor for L’Uomo Vogue, Grazia Italia and

Ray Morrison Armani Milan Fashion Week September 2017 Photography Annika Lagerqvist www.annikasomething.comRay MorrisonThe style Researcher

Alessandro Enriquez Versace MFW September 2017 Photography Annika Lagerqvist↑  Alessandro Enriquez & Amedeo Piccione ↓

Missoni MFW September 2017 Photography Annika Lagerqvist

Simone Guidarelli Missoni MFW September 2017 Photography Annika Lagerqvist www.annikasomething.comSimone Guidarelli – Stylist Glamour Vanity Fair

Don’t be shy, say hi!

As in print media, these are copyright-protected photos, so are you running an online magazine, a blog, or in need of high-quality street style pictures?

Don’t hesitate if you would like to collaborate or inquire about licensing a picture from MFW September 2017.

I would love to hear from you!

 Contact me here →

Don’t miss our best Street Style pics from Milan Fashion Week September 2017

Alina Tanasa Alberta Ferretti Milan Fashion Week September 2017 Photography Annika Lagerqvist

Milan Fashion Week September 2017 – In Milan, the coffee gets stronger, the nectarines sweeter and the ricotta creamier! As if that wasn’t enough, also the fashion is more fun!

We had six beautiful days during Milan Fashion Week September 2017  – both when it came to the weather and the fashion. We went on bumpy tram rides to all corners of the city to snap the most exciting street style, and we made a lot of new friendship along the way 😀

Here are some of my favorite pictures I shot!


Unknown Gucci Milan Fashion Week September 2017 Photography Annika Lagerqvist

Delfina Delettrez Fendi – Designer and Jeweller  & Leonetta

Veronika Heilbrunner

Anna Dello Russo Gucci Milan Fashion Week September 2017 Photography Annika Lagerqvist www.annikasomething.comAnna Dello Russo

Chiara Mazzoleni

Viviana Volpicella    

Eleonora Carisi Alberta Ferretti Milan Fashion Week September 2017 Photography Annika Lagerqvist www.annikasomething.comEleonora Carisi

Sara Moschini Giorgio Armani Milan Fashion Week September 2017 Photography Annika Lagerqvist www.annikasomething.comSara Moschini

Don’t be shy, say hi!

I would love to hear from you!

As in print media, these are copyright-protected street style photos. Don’t hesitate to contact me if you would like to enquire about licensing a photo or collaborate.

Street Style You Missed outside Dolce & Gabbana Milan Fashion Week February 2017

Street Style_Dolce & Gabbana_Milan Fashion Week_February 26th 2017_Photography Annika

Here are our favorite Street Style moments, from our favorite Fashion Show at Milan Fashion Week 2017.

Dolce & Gabbana Fall Winter 2017-18 ?
Viale Piave Milan, February 26th.

© Milan Fashion Week Photography: Annika Lagerqvist

The beauty of denim is its versatility – you can feel comfortable and sexy.

Lisa Aiken
Fashion Director @netaporter and personal blog

Linda Tol_Street Style_Dolce & Gabbana_Milan Fashion Week_February 26th 2017_Photography Annika you don’t do wild things when you’re young, then
you’ll have nothing to smile about when you’re old 

Linda Tol
 – Online Influencer and contributor to GLAMOUR magazine IT

Courage is when you are staring right in the face of your worst fear and you decide not to run away.

Anastasia Masiutkina – Founder of

Sara Moschini_Street Style_Dolce & Gabbana_Milan Fashion Week_February 26th 2017_Photography Annika Lagerqvist_www.annikasomething.comShe didn’t see it as walking away,
she saw it as walking forward

Sara Moschino
 – Head of Fashion @grazia_it

Yasmin Sewell_Street Style_Dolce & Gabbana_Milan Fashion Week_February 26th 2017_Photography Annika Lagerqvist_www.annikasomething.comGreen is the prime color of the world,
and that from which its loveliness arises

Yasmin Sewell
 – Fashion Director at

Pamela Allier_Street Style_Dolce & Gabbana_Milan Fashion Week_February 26th 2017_Photography Annika Lagerqvist_www.annikasomething.comI’m learning to love the sound of my feet
walking away from things not meant for me

Pamela Allier
 – Mexico’s new generation of digital influencer

Sharishanya_Street Style_Dolce & Gabbana_Milan Fashion Week_February 26th 2017_Photography Annika

If someone doesn’t brighten your life, don’t take of your sunglasses, just find sunshine somewhere else ?

Mega popular Sharishanya, who livestream herself playing Dota 2

Milan Fashion Week, Street Style_Dolce & Gabbana_Milan Fashion Week_February 26th 2017_Photography Annika Lagerqvist_www.annikasomething.comMy mother wanted me to be a concert pianist

Milan Fashion Week_Jo Ellison_Street Style_Dolce & Gabbana_Milan Fashion Week_February 26th 2017_Photography Annika Lagerqvist_www.annikasomething.comCall me back when it’s Friday again!

Jo Ellison – Fashion editor at @financialtimes ?

Milan Fashion Week_Kasia Borowicz_Street Style_Dolce & Gabbana_Milan Fashion Week_February 26th 2017_Photography Annika Lagerqvist_www.annikasomething.comMore than just a color!

Kasia Borowicz – co founder of VIA STYLE looking gorgeous in her velvet coat

Milan Fashion Week_Milana Koroleva_Street Style_Dolce & Gabbana_Milan Fashion Week_February 26th 2017_Photography Annika Lagerqvist_www.annikasomething.comIf you start to miss me, remember I didn’t walk away, you let me go ?

Milana Koroleva
TV Host, Journalist and Happy Mum 🙂

Make every Step a Step towards Success ???

The one, the only and queen of Milan Fashion Week – Anna Dello Russo


↵ Previous Post….16 Street Style Moments outside Trussardi Milan Fashion Week, February 2017 

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All Content Copyright © 2017 Annika Lagerqvist

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Meet 10 Men on the Street Style Scene at Women’s Fashion Week Milan, September 2016

The Men at Women’s Fashion Week.

Guest writer Malin Lagerqvist


Express your personality through the way you dress.
More than ever before it seems to have become accepted even amongst the male community to experiment with your wardrobe. We’re not only talking a charismatic suit and tie combo. The men on Women’s Fashion Week are raising their unique style voice, exploring the boundaries of what’s considered masculine and feminine.
An excellent example of that is Simone Marchetti, Fashion Editor at La Republica, who’ve become a photographer favorite across the whole fashion week season.

And what about age?
That age is just a number has never been truer. We love how Antonio Manlio Nieto (the pictures above and below) is always radiating youthful vibrancy through his creatively colorful look still with the grace of a gentleman in his best years. Or the young guy Thomas Reichegger – the perfect example of that style has no rules and fashion is supposed to be fun, not taking it too seriously.

It may be the women playing the lead role on the street style scene during Fashion Week Month, but even if they’re standing in the center stage spotlight, the men don’t go unnoticed! In fact, in an orchestra of female stars, they sometimes shine even brighter than on their own Men’s Fashion Week ?


Antonio Manlio Nieto
Fashion Journalist and contributer for Le Temps Hors Série, who always bring the most stylish and colorful feeling onto the streets.

Follow Antonio’s passion for flowers and fashion on Instagram

Robert Rabensteiner
Fashion editor of L’Uomo Vogue. Born in Meran, South Tyrol, Italy 1965, and has been described as one of the most stylish men in the world.

Read more about Robert in an excellent interview at The Talks
Or follow his diary on Instagram @robertrabensteiner

Simone Marchetti,
Fashion editor at He has a passion for bold prints and he really knows how to make it masculine.

Follow Simone on Instagram for more men style inspirations @marchettisimone

Thomas Reichegger
This German Fashion blogger always puts a smile on my face, he’s so funny and so good adding that little extra to his pictures or outfits. I think he’s one of the upcoming star on the men’s street style scene.

You’ll find Thomas on Instagram @thomas.reichegger

Photographer Adam Katz Sinding hardly needs any presentation.
Today he’s one of the biggest in his genre, and the guy we all look up to in the photo/fashion world.

Website Le 21ème
Instagram @le21eme

James Dean or Salvatore Cozzolino? 

You have to credit a guy who gives you his best poses, I mean, Italians know how to hit the streets, and Salvatore is no exception  ?

Go to Instagram @sacozzolino and follow Salvatore, who has moved from his hometown Napoli to Milan.

Are you tired of the average pictures on Instagram? Then you must check out Fabrizio Politi
Or as he call his Instagram account @misteruniquelife

His pictures are so creative, inspiring, and together with his writing they really become a unique and eye catching spot in the Instagram crowd.

 Graziano Di Cintio
Fashion Stylist who works between Hugo Boss Germany, and Milan.

On Instagram, you can follow @grazianodicintio and his personal style that has been shown in Fashion Magazines all over the world.

With a smile on his face Matteo Simonetti, fashion designer, and Malin Lagerqvist just making new friendship.

You find Matteo on Instagram where he goes under the name @mattwooster
Why Wooster? Because his raw model and the man he looks up to is none less than the fashion icon Nick Wooster

Andrea Cecchi and his sister Maria Sole Cecchi looking gorgeous in blue!
Their handbag brand Les Petits Joueurs’ is a huge success, cause of the playful Lego inspired style.

Maria on Instagram @lespetitsjoueurs
or Andrea @andrewlpj

All of the pictures above were taken during Milan Fashion week
September 2016

Guest writer ⇒ @malinismalin

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All Content Copyright © 2016 Annika Lagerqvist

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Linda Tol – Seen from 13 different Angles, Milan Fashion Week September 2016

 Different Angles of Linda Tol.

Guest writer Malin Lagerqvist

Don’t let the icy blonde hair and sharp style fool you – there’s nothing cold about this Dutch darling!
Quite the opposite. The Amsterdam native and online influencer’s personality is as bubbly as Prosecco! 

As a Glamour Magazine Italia contributor, with Italy as her second home, Linda Tol embodies the elegance and playfulness of Italian style. That in combination with her androgynous looks – the signature style she has become known for, she makes photographers frantically click the ”like” button on their cameras no matter which Fashion Week capital she attends.

Being the respected fashion professional as she is, attending more shows than the number of espressos an Italian consume a day, she always makes time for photographers and fashion fans outside the shows. A generosity which I believe is why she remains one of the most photographed, inspiring and likable personalities on the street style scene.

I’ll let the pictures below speak for themselves, because even when sitting on a bike stand this girl knows her angles, as well as your grandma, will claim she knows best in the kitchen!


Linda chatting with her friend  Lee Oliveira
Photographer, Stylist, Creative Director and New York Times Fashion contributor.

Follow Lee on Instagram @leeoliveira

Want to know more about Linda Tol?

Visit her website I Believe in Pink
or follow her on Instagram @lindatol_

The pictures were taken outside Jil Sander, Via Beltrami Luca, Milano
September 24th

Guest writer ⇒ @malinismalin

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All Content Copyright © 2016 Annika Lagerqvist

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How to Speak Italian with Viviana Volpicella & Scott Schuman

How to Speak Italian with
Viviana Volpicella & Scott Schuman

Guest writer Malin Lagerqvist

Love, Passion, bubbling feelings, and an accusing finger.

If there’s one thing we love about Italy, it’s listening while Italians are talking to each other – not to mention WATCHING them talk to each other. They communicate with Amore all the way out to their fingertips. Maybe one of the reasons why Italians are more romantic than the rest of us 😉

If you’re about to learn Italian, start by studying the body language. Just like a picture is worth a thousand words, your body does the same.

Take a look at the photos below – I mean, Scott Schuman, The Sartorialist is not even Italian, he’s from the US, but being best friends with Viviana Volpicella after many years in the Fashion industry, also he has learned to let his hands do the talking. Waving arms, and while photographing from a distance (cause I didn’t wanna go to close ?), I think I heard typical Italian words like:

”Eh” ”Ahh” ”Que”!

Are they barking at each other???
Of course not! But it almost felt like they did for a moment.  So I’m happy that two seconds later they chat like best friends again ?

That’s amore!

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All Content Copyright © 2016 Annika Lagerqvist

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26 Top Models off Duty at Milan Fashion Week September 2016

 26 Top Models off Duty
Milan Fashion Week

Guest writer Malin Lagerqvist

Models shine as bright off as on the catwalk. 

A couple of years ago, when Street Style was a new phenomenon at Fashion Week, it was all about having the most eye-catching look to grab photographers attention. Nowadays the cameras rather steer their focus towards a unique charisma that will create a much more interesting story, especially the models have become the subject of photographers attention.

Their personal style in combination with their makeup- and hair from the shows is a result of the fun and playful expression that has become the core essence of the ”model off duty” look. These girls always manage to put together the perfect combination of contrasts in their outfits – Romantic, feminine meets tomboy grunge, sporty influences and wacky patterns add youthfulness to classic pieces.

Then, that they are ridiculously photogenic is as obvious as the fact that the Italians cannot live without their espresso 😉

Emilio Pucci Show – La Triennale di Milano

1. Alicia Morais
Cap Verde ??

2. Julie Homaans
Netherland ??

Jil Sander Show – Via Beltrami Luca

3. Marjan Jonkman
Netherland ??

4. Jess PW      5. Odette Pavlov
Australia ??     Russia ??

6. Amber Rose Whitcomb
Canada ??

7. Liza Ostanina
Russia ??

8. Sandra Schmidt
Denmark ??

9. Naki Depass
Jamaica ??

Dolce & Gabbana Show – Teatro Metropol

10. Sasha Kishigina
Russia ??

11. Taja Feistner
Iowa, USA ??

12. Julia Van Os   13. Luna Bijl
Netherlands ??

14. Elsa Hosk
Sweden ??

15. Wangy XinYu
China ??

16. Giulia Maenza
Italy ??

17. Luping Wang
China ??

18. Waleska Gorczevski
Brazil ??

19. Isabella Ridolfi
Brazil ??

20. Vika Ignatenko
Ukraine ??

Emilio Pucci Show – La Triennale di Milano

21. Maria Clara
Portugal ??

22. Jing Wen
China ??

23. Kirin Dejonckheere
Belgium ??

24. Marjan Jonkman
Netherlands ??

25. Lineisy Montero
Dominican Republic ??

26. Sara Dijkink
Netherlands ??

⇐ Milan Fashion Week/Camera Moda

⇐ Malin Lagerqvist

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All Content Copyright © 2016 Annika Lagerqvist

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Dolce & Gabbana, Milan Fashion Week, Sept. 2016

The following pictures were taken outside
Dolce & Gabbana Show
Viale Piave, Milano

September 25, 2016

Patricia Manfield

street-style_dolce-gabbana-_milan-fashion-week_sept-2016_photography-annika-lagerqvist_www-annikasomething-com-1Model off Duty, after Dolce & Gabbana Show

anna-dello-russo_dolce-gabbana_milan-fashion-week_sept-2016_photography-annika-lagerqvist_www-annikasomething-com-1Anna Dello Russo

helena-bordon_dolce-gabbana_milan-fashion-week_sept-2016_photography-annika-lagerqvist_www-annikasomething-com-2Helena Bordon


before-dolce-gabbana_milan-fashion-week_sept-2016_photography-annika-lagerqvist_www-annikasomething-com-1Nicole Warne

Anastasiia Masutkina

christina-pitanguy_dolce-gabbana-_milan-fashion-week_sept-2016_photography-annika-lagerqvist_www-annikasomething-com-1Christina Pitanguy

alexandra-fructuoso_dolce-gabbana_milan-fashion-week_sept-2016_photography-annika-lagerqvist_www-annikasomething-com-1Alexandra Fructuoso

catherine-poulain_dolce-gabbana_milan-fashion-week_sept-2016_www-annikasomething-com-5Catherine Poulain

sara-giorgia-rosetto_dolce-gabbana_milan-fashion-week-sept-2016_photography-annika-lagerqvist_www-annikasomething-com-3Model Sisters
Sara Nicole Rossetto & Giorgia Rossetto




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All Content Copyright © 2016 Annika Lagerqvist

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Salvatore Ferragamo, Milan Fashion Week, Sept. 2016

The following pictures were taken outside

Salvatore Ferragamo Show
Piazza degli Affari

September 25, 2016

Esther Quek


liz-uy_-salvatore-ferragamo_milan-fashion-week_sept-2016_photography-annika-lagerqvist_www-annikasomething-com-2Liz Uy 


Model off duty
Lineisy Montero 

shea-marie-caroline-vreeland_ferragamo_milan-fashion-week_sept-2016_photography-annika-lagerqvist_www-annikasomething-com-1Shea Marie & Caroline Vreeland

street-style_ferragamo_milan-fashion-week_sept-2016_photography-annika-lagerqvist_www-annikasomething-com-2Fashion Designer
Mariateresa Nitti 

nicole-warne_-salvatore-ferragamo_milan-fashion-week_sept-2016_photography-annika-lagerqvist_www-annikasomething-com-1Nicole Warne

Fer Medina

malin-lagerqvist_-salvatore-ferragamo_milan-fashion-week_sept-2016_photography-annika-lagerqvist_www-annikasomething-com-3Malin Lagerqvist

Twin sisters and creative artists
Anna Laura Facchini

”Every day is a Fashion Show,
and the world is the runway”

– Coco Chanel

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All Content Copyright © 2016 Annika Lagerqvist

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Jil Sander, Milan Fashion Week, Sept. 2016


The following pictures were taken outside
Jil Sander Show
Via Beltrami Luca, Milano

September 23, 2016

carolina-issa_jil-sander_milan-fashion-week_sept-2016_photography-annika-lagerqvist_www-annikasomething-com-1Caroline Issa




street-style_jil-sander_milan-fashion-week_sept-2016_photography-annika-lagerqvist_www-annikasomething-com-3 adam-katz-sinding_jil-sander_milan-fashion-week_sept-2016_www-annikasomething-com-1Photographer Adam Katz Sinding
Le 21ème 


ada-kokosar_jil-sander_milan-fashion-week_sept-2016_photography-annika-lagerqvist_www-annikasomething-com-1Designer, stylist and creative consultant
Ada Kokosar


elisa-nalin_jil-sander_milan-fashion-week_sept-2016_photography-annika-lagerqvist_www-annikasomething-com-1Italian born Stylist
Elisa Nalin




Photographer and stylist – Tamu Mcpherson



”Fashion is what you’re offered four times a year by designers,
Style is what you choose.”

– Lauren Hutton

More inspiration from Milan Fashion Week you don’t want to miss →

All Content Copyright © 2016 Annika Lagerqvist

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Tod’s, Milan Fashion Week, Sept. 2016

The following pictures were taken outside
Tod’s Show
Via Palestro, Milano

September 22, 2016

samantha-angelo_tods_milan-fashion-week_sept-2016_photography-annika-lagerqvist_www-annikasomething-com-2  Samantha Angelo  ☚

Fashion Blogger and Model Doina Ciobanu

xenia-tchoumi_tods_milan-fashion-week_sept-2016_photography-annika-lagerqvist_www-annikasomething-com-1Xenia Tchoumi



esther-quek_tods_mfw-2016_photography-annika-lagerqvist_www-annikasomething-com-1Stylist and journalist
Esther Quek

Model and Fashion blogger
Catherine Poulaine

street-style_tods_milan-fashion-week_sept-2016_www-annikasomething-com-4Tamara Kalinic
The Glam and Glitter

anouki-areshidze_tods_milan-fashion-week_sept-2016_photography-annika-lagerqvist_www-annikasomething-com-1Georgian fashion designer
Anouk Areshidze


”Be yourself,
Nobody can do it better”

– Tally Weijl

More inspiration from Milan Fashion Week you don’t want to miss →

All Content Copyright © 2016 Annika Lagerqvist

?  Contact me →

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Emilio Pucci, Milan Fashion Week, Sept. 2016

The following pictures were taken outside
Emilio Pucci Show
La Triennale di Milano

September 21, 2016

georgia-tal_emilio-pucci_milan-fashion-week_sept-2016_photography-annika-lagerqvist_www-annikasomething-com-5Fashion Editor
Georgia Tal

General Merchandising and Product Director at Emilio Pucci
Margherita Crotti
Viviana Volpicella

emilio-pucci_milan-fashion-week_sept-2016_photography-annika-lagerqvist_www-annikasomething-com-7Which Bag will you be carrying this season?




helena-bordon_emilio-pucci_milan-fashion-week_sept-2016_photography-annika-lagerqvist_www-annikasomething-com-2Say What?  😮
Helena Bordon

Thássia Naves


nour-arida_emilio-pucci_milan-fashion-week-sept-2016_photography-annika-lagerqvist_www-annikasomething-com-1Nour Arida
N for Nour

Liz Uy

Consultant and creative director Evangeline Smyrotaki


Best Fashion Friends in Crime
Shea Marie & Caroline Vreeland



Chiara Ferragni
The Blonde Salad

esther-quek_emilio-pucci_milan-fashion-week_sept-2016_photography-annika-lagerqvist_www-annikasomething-com-1Esther Quek  

MarieAngela Filippin


nabile-quenum_emilio-pucci_milan-fashion-week_sept-2016_photography-annika-lagerqvist_www-annikasomething-com-2Nabile Quenum
J’ai Perdu Ma Veste


Fashion Illustrator Jenny Walton


 ”Dressing is a way of life”

– Yves Saint Laurent

More inspiration from Milan Fashion Week you don’t want to miss →

All Content Copyright © 2016 Annika Lagerqvist

?  Contact me →

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Missoni Milan – 2016

Street Style,17 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist,

Viviana Volpicella before Missoni,17 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist, Stylist & Fashion Editor, Viviana Volpicella

Street Style before Missoni,17 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist,

Candela Novembre

Street Style,17 January 2016 Milan Men's Fashion Week-1

Elina Halimi

Luca Rubinacci,17 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist,

Luca Rubinacci & Maria Barros Paredes,17 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist, Rubinacci and Maria Barros Paredes

Street Style,17 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist,

Anna Dello Russo,17 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist,

Anna Dello Russo,17 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist, Dello Russo

Laura Comolli,17 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist, Laura Comolli – Purses & I

Universitas Studiorum Mediolanensis-Missoni,17 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist,

On the streets of Milan,17 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist,

Antonio Manlio Nieto,17 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist, Journalist Antonio Manlio Nieto

Street Style 17 January 2016 Milan Men's Fashion Week-1

Linda Tool,17 January 2016 Milan Men's Fashion Week-1

Elina Halimi,17 January 2016 Milan Men's Fashion Week-2Elina Halimi

Valentina Ferragni & Luca Vezil,17 January 2016 Milan Men's Fashion Week-1Valentina Ferragni & Luca Vezil

Veronica Giomini,17 January 2016 Milan Men's Fashion Week-2Veronica Giomini

Michael Lockley,17 January 2016 Milan Men's Fashion Week-1-2New York based model – Michael Lockley

Street Style,17 January 2016 Milan Men's Fashion Week-1-2

The pictures above were taken
outside Missoni Show Via Festa del Perdone.
17 January 2016

More pictures from MMFW →

Salvatore Ferragamo Milan – 2016

Ouside Salvatore Ferragamo,17 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist,

Valentina Ferragni & Luca Vezil,17 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist, Ferragni & Luca Vezil

Carlotta Rubaltelli & Frank Gallucci,17 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist, Rubaltelli & Frank Gallucci

Elina Halimi,17 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist, Halimi

Gianni Fontana,17 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist, Fontana

Malin Lagerqvist & Frank Gallucci,17 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist, Lagerqvist with Frank Gallucci

Street Style,17 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist,

Marco Taddei,17 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist, Taddei – Simply Mr. T

Marco Taddei,17 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist, and Margherita  – Les Milanesi

Mariano Di Vaio,17 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist, Di Vaio – MDV Style

Mariano Di Vaio,17 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist,

Simone Marchetti,17 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist, Marchetti

Street Style,17 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist,

Patricia Manfield & Giotto Calendoli,17 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist, Manfield & Giotto Calendoli – The Atelier

Street Style outside Salvatore Ferragamo Show,17 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist,

Street Style outside Salvatore Ferragamo Show,17 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist,

Street Style outside Salvatore Ferragamo Show,17 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist,

Jordy Baan & Malin Lagerqvist after Salvatore Ferragamo Show,17 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist, Model Jordy Baarn with Malin Lagerqvist

Jordy Baan after Salvatore Ferragamo Show,17 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist,

Felix Gesnouin outside Salvatore Ferragamo Show,17 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist, Model Félix Gesnouin

Rhys Pickering outside Salvatore Ferragamo Show,17 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist, Model Rhys Pickering

All the pictures above were taken
before and after Salvatore Ferragamo Show
17 January 2016

More pictures from MMFW →

Hogan Milan – 2016

Milano Fashion Week Jan 16,2016_Photography Annika -10Fashion editor Dennis Braatz

Milano Fashion Week Jan 16,2016_Photography Annika -8

Milano Fashion Week Jan 16,2016_Photography Annika -12

Milano Men's Fashion Week January 2016_Photography Annika Lagerqvist_www.annikasomething.com_-14Simone Marchetti, Fashion editor at

Milano Men's Fashion Week January 2016_Photography Annika Lagerqvist_www.annikasomething.com_-23

Milano Men's Fashion Week January 2016_Photography Annika Lagerqvist_www.annikasomething.com_-24

Milano Men's Fashion Week January 2016_Photography Annika Lagerqvist_www.annikasomething.com_-3

Milano Men's Fashion Week January 2016_Photography Annika Lagerqvist_www.annikasomething.com_-18Caroline Issa – Street Style star and fashion director of Tank MagazineMilano Men's Fashion Week January 2016_Photography Annika Lagerqvist_www.annikasomething.com_-25Stylist and fashion entrepreneur Kish Raveendran KISHSTYLE

Milano Men's Fashion Week January 2016_Photography Annika Lagerqvist_www.annikasomething.com_-22

Milano Men's Fashion Week January 2016_Photography Annika Lagerqvist_www.annikasomething.com_-11

Milano Men's Fashion Week January 2016_Photography Annika Lagerqvist_www.annikasomething.com_-5

Milano Men's Fashion Week January 2016_Photography Annika Lagerqvist_www.annikasomething.com_-19

Milano Men's Fashion Week January 2016_Photography Annika Lagerqvist_www.annikasomething.com_-26

The pictures above were taken
outside Hogan Show, Piazza Cordusio.
16 January 2016

Camilla Cleva, 16 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist, and model Camilla Cleva

Outside Jil Sander, Milano men's Fashion Week Jan. 2016 by Annika Lagerqvist, Bruni – The Slash Girl

16 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist,

J.J Martin,16 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist, and design journalist J.J Martin

Jenny Walton, 16 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist,, designer and illustrator Jenny Walton – Markers and Microns

Antonio Manlio Nieto,16 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist, journalist Antonio Manlio Nieto

Street Style16 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist,

Street Style16 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist,

Street Style,16 Jan. 2016 Milano Men's Fashion Week, by Annika Lagerqvist,

The pictures above were taken
outside Jil Sander, Via Luca Beltrami.
16 January 2016

More pictures from MMFW →

Roberto Cavalli Milan – 2016

Milano Fashion Week Jan 15,2016_Photography Annika -1

Music producer Nicholas Larsen and Josh Mclellan Ludlow from London

Milano Fashion Week Jan 15,2016_Photography Annika -2

Milano Fashion Week 15 January 2016- Photo by Annika Lagerqvist - -5Anna dello Russo in a beautiful dress by Peter Dundas, Roberto Cavalli

Milano Fashion Week Jan 15,2016_Photography Annika -6Giotto Calendoli from The Atelier

Milano Fashion Week Jan 15,2016_Photography Annika -7

Models off Duty

Milano Fashion Week 15 January 2016- Photo by Annika Lagerqvist - -9

Milano Fashion Week Jan 15,2016_Photography Annika -3Fashion blogger Cyprien Richiardi, Cyprien that’s all  and photographer Marco Piraccini

Milano Fashion Week Jan 15,2016_Photography Annika -4Fashion Stylist Graziano Di Cintio

Milano Fashion Week Jan 15,2016_Photography Annika -9Fashion Student Tonia Savanelli and her boyfriend Giuliano Galluccio

Milano Fashion Week Jan 15,2016_Photography Annika -10Actor Evangelo Bousis

All pictures taken by me,
outside Roberto Cavalli Show, Corso Venezia
15 January 2016

More pictures from MMFW →